• Registration fees and information Deadline 14/11/2024 12:19:00 UTC+1
    • Conference Registration
      Early Bird Registration
      (until 31 July 2024)
      Standard Registration
      (from 1 August to 20 October 2024)
      Late Registration
      (from 21 October 2024, subject to availability
      Academia, RTOs, Startups and State Organisations - full registration
      400,00 € 520,00
      670,00 €
      Academia, RTOs, Startups and State Organisations - without evening event
      350,00 € 470,00 €
      620,00 € 
      Industry - full registration 700,00 €
      850,00 €
       1.000,00 €
      Industry - without evening event
       650,00 €  800,00 €  950,00 €
      Student - full registration  200,00 €   320,00 € 470,00 € 
      Student - without evening event
       150,00 € 270,00 €  420,00 €
      Conference Gala Dinner  70€    


      Please note that all prices are mentioned in Euros and include Portuguese VAT at 23%.



      Registration fees includes:

      • Access to all Conference sessions;
      • Participants material;
      • Coffee-breaks and lunches;
      • Certificate of attendance.

      Full registration fee also includes: 
      Evening event: that will take place on Monday, 18 November 2024​


      • The registration will only be completed if you receive a confirmation email (after your payment is confirmed);
      • All Conference communication is done exclusively by email. To ensure that you receive all the information, please include the address eqtc@mundiconvenius.pt in your email secure contacts and verify regularly your spam/junk inbox;   
      • Online registration will be available until 14 of November 2024 and subject to availability.

      Registration name change:

      • The Organizations/companies can proceed to change names of participants of the same organization/company until 15 June 2024, free of charge. After that date, registrations become personal, any change in name will require a new registration. 


        • All receipts will be sent based on the information provided in the application form;
        • In case of any change it will be charged a fee of 25,00€ per registration.

        Cancellation and reimbursement policies: 

        • Participants can cancel their full registration until July 31. However, a fee of 20% will be charged to cover administrative and banking costs. Refunds will be handled after the event.
        • In case of cancellation after July 31 or in case of no-show, fees paid for registration will not be refunded.
        • Evening event cancellation will not be refunded.

        Please select registration type on the next tab!

    • Privacy
      • I authorize the use of my personal and financial data within the scope of the organization of this event and I declare that I am aware of my rights as title holder in accordance with the applicable Privacy Policy.

        Disclaimer: By registering for this event, I give my consent for the purposes of capturing and disseminating my image - portrait/video, by the photographer or image operator who is working on behalf European Quantum Technologies Conference

        I authorize ETQC to use the photographs with my image free of charge, which will be published to promote or communicate issues related to European Quantum Tecnhologies Conference

    • Registration type
      • select
    • Personal details
        No child records to display.
        First name
        No child records to display.
        Last name
        No child records to display.
        Email address
        No child records to display.
        Mobile number
        No child records to display.
        Job title/Occupation
        No child records to display.
        No child records to display.
        No child records to display.
        No child records to display.
        Badge name
        No child records to display.
        Badge Workplace/Institution
        No child records to display.
        Food allergies & dietary restrictions
        No child records to display.
        Do you have any dietary restrictions?
    • Discounts
      •  DescriptionFee
    • Submit
    • Steps
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