- All oral presentations will take place in IPMA 's Auditorium (DMRM, Algés).
- With the exception of keynote presentations, oral presentations are scheduled for 20 minutes (15 minutes for presentation + 5 minutes for questions).

● To save time between presentations, presenters will not be permitted to use their own laptop. Hence, please make sure that your talk is uploaded to the conference laptop prior to your session.
● Presenters must prepare their talks in either PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) or PDF (.pdf) format; please ensure that unusual fonts, and any videos or sound files are embedded in the file.
● Name your presentation file with the code for your talk.
● Judges will announce student presentations to grant the best student oral presentation award during the closing remarks on Thursday, 22nd May.

Funded by
MycoFish Funding from FCT I.P. PTDC/CVT-CVT/2660/2021(
AquaClimAdapt FCT Aqua-CLIMADAT: PTDC/CTA-AMB/0592/2021(

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